

Volunteer on a dolphin conservation project in Montenegro

Volunteer on a dolphin conservation project in Montenegro

Learn about the dolphins!

Explore life in Montenegro

Practice English!

Contribute to the conservation of dolphins in the coastal waters of Montenegro and Albania.



All year


4 weeks


1 390,00 €

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    Detailed programme

    Our partner is an NGO which conducts the first long-term study of marine mammals in Montenegrin coastal waters, with recent surveys additionally covering the northern coastline of Albania. 

    They aim to address questions about marine mammal abundance, distribution and behaviour, define critical habitats and investigate the impacts of major threats, ranging from tourism to seismic practices.


    • Performing land-based surveys at least three times a week, including during sunrise and sunset hours
    • Performing boat-based surveys once every 14 days (occasionally more if possible)
    • Collecting dolphins sightings and behavioural data, as well as environmental and anthropogenic data
    • Learning survey techniques (Spatial-temporal dolphin distribution, Theodolite operation, Behavioural data collection, Photo-identification, Human impact measurements) and using them in a practical setting
    • Operating the necessary software used in the field (Pythagoras)
    • Data entry, data manipulation and data analysis using GIS, Mark, Distance and R software
    • Cataloguing and matching dolphins using photo-identification software

    Our partner is committed to complementing these observations and practical activities with courses and lectures on the various methodologies used in marine research.

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The programme is available all year round and can start on any date (subject to availability).

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    Kotor is a lovely coastal town where you can enjoy sea and lakes! If you fancy beautiful landscapes, you can hike and climb mountain range!

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    From 4 weeks to 6 months.

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    Be at least 16 years old

    Have a B2 level in English

    True interest in marine conservation

    Be able to word as part of a team

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    You will stay in an apartment in Kotor, shared by all participants (volunteers and supervisors). Volunteers will have a bed in a shared room with access to a communal kitchen and bathroom. Each room has a maximum of 3 people.

    The accommodation itself is basic, WIFI is included as well as a washing machine.

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    1 390,00 €

    For 4 weeks placement from October to March.

    1620€ for 4 weeks placement from April to September.

    2720€ for a 8 weeks placement from October to March.

    3250e for 8 weeks placement from April to September.

    This price includes: 

    • Accommodation
    • Transport between the two research sites in Montenegro and Albania
    • Training and lectures with all training materials provided in PDF format
    • Fieldwork (land- and boat surveys)
    • Use of equipment
    • Administration fees and association membership fees

    This price does not include:

    • Food

    Restaurants and supermarkets are a 10 minutes walk from the appartment.

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    Application Process

    To receive the complete file, please contact us by email.

You can directly email us at

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