La Géosphère bookshop in Montpellier, an institution!

It was great to meet Magali and Caroline in this emblematic part of the city. Who doesn't know La Géosphère bookshop? It's the temple of travel and adventure literature, where you can find everything you need to prepare for your trip, not to mention the good humour that prevails between the manager/employee and passing customers. It's a must for anyone preparing to travel, or simply travelling through reading. All the continents and countries are represented. Beautiful illustrations are also available, as well as a collection of IGN maps from all over the world!
The authenticity that the ALIORE association claims exists at La Géosphère bookshop!
If you are in Montpellier, drop in now, at 20 rue Jacques Coeur!
The authenticity that the ALIORE association claims exists at La Géosphère bookshop!
If you are in Montpellier, drop in now, at 20 rue Jacques Coeur!